The Dutch Gaming Authority (Ksa) has reprimanded three gambling operators for breaching sponsorship regulations. Since 1 July 2024, new rules prohibit sponsoring television programs and events, aiming to protect vulnerable groups. The Ksa found multiple instances where operators failed to comply with these rules.

  • First operator violated sponsorship rules by allowing its logo to remain on promotional materials after their contract expired. The organization continued using materials containing the operator’s name, which was prohibited after July 1. Upon Ksa’s warning, the operator promptly removed its logo from all promotional items.
  • Second operator’s advertising reached vulnerable groups due to agreements with a third party. They sponsored a major sporting event where children and young adults participated before the tournament. As a result, the operator’s advertising was visible to minors outside the main events.
  • Third operator’s logo appeared on children’s merchandise, specifically T-shirts of a famous athlete sold in children’s sizes. This meant the advertising targeted a vulnerable group, which is not allowed. The operator took immediate action to remove their logo from children’s apparel.
  • Ksa emphasized operators’ responsibility to ensure sponsorship complies with regulations, even when third parties are involved. Operators must make clear agreements about the use of sponsor materials and their distribution. It’s crucial for operators to monitor how their branding is displayed to avoid targeting minors.
  • Potential enforcement action may occur if operators continue to violate sponsorship rules. The Ksa has reminded operators of their obligations under the new regulations. Ensuring compliance helps protect vulnerable groups from exposure to gambling advertising.