We also asked the market insiders to estimate the growth potential of selected regional markets; in particular, we asked them to estimate how the growth potential (regarding revenues) of these regions will develop over the next 12 months:

  • US is on the top – The US and the LatAm markets are in a close race to the top spot in this analysis. LatAm led in Q2, the US in Q3, and since Q4, LatAm has stayed on top. In the last editions, we noticed that the US market seems to have lost its growth dynamics. But we might have to correct this as the growth estimates have increased three quarters in a row, and the US is again on the top. The LatAm market estimates saw a first drop since the market saw increasing growth estimates from one quarter to another for a long time. We should not speculate too much about this until we see what the coming quarters show.
  • The Eastern European market may be back in business after growth estimates jumped up for the 2nd consecutive quarter.
  • The Western European market at the bottom – The Western European market still ranks at the bottom but also here growth estimates seem to develop positively.