In many cases, the YoY growth rates are exceptionally high due to acquisitions made in a previous quarter – an effect that carries through for the quarters after the acquisition. Therefore, some companies in our YoY growth benchmarking have those top positions more or less due to acquisitions made within the 12 months before our analyses. We therefore also include quarter-on-quarter growth (QoQ) benchmarks (see the exhibit on the right) as well. We are aware that those growth rates might be impacted by seasonal effects (e.g., football season), but we believe that these figures can provide a quick, current overview of the most recent growth dynamics while excluding the effects of acquisitions in previous quarters.

  • Average growth (QoQ) – On average, revenues changed in Q1/2024 (compared to the previous quarter – QoQ) by +3%.
  • Median growth (QoQ) – The median growth rate was +1%.
  • Top growth rate (QoQ) – Best practice growth (QoQ) was achieved by Bally’s Interactive N. America (+32%) and Zeal / Tipp24 (+20%).
  • Lowest/negative growth (QoQ) – At the bottom of the ranking we find Raketech and Genius Sports Betting.